About Me

Hello, everyone, I am the author, and I have been professionally drafting and designing fire alarm systems throughout the years for some of the largest and most critical buildings in America. Whether it is the construction of a giant skyscraper or a large school campus, a military base, factories, a stadium, or even the only two new nuclear power sites to be constructed in America since the 1970's, I've seen almost everything. I have actively contributed to saving the lives of millions of people worldwide and it has been a rewarding career.

I am currently working with a major home builder to do my part to ease the housing crisis in America. We don't have enough affordable housing in America. In my career, I've always gone where I felt I was needed. Right now, America needs new affordable houses and that is where I am working to do my part to help the problem.

However, apart from my working life, I have another side of me; a spiritual one. I was born and raised a Southern Methodist Christain, I believe in the existence of a creator, as well as both good and evil spirits. I am not anti-church or anti-religion. I just do not agree with the established roman-catholic-timeline. The church is not all bad, I know that worldwide, they have helped many people. I believe in karma and that reincarnation exists. Your bad deeds will affect your next life, hence, the dung beetle. Reserved for corrupt politicians, lawyers, and people who lived shameful lives. I believe what goes around comes around. You get what you put out, so act accordingly. A humble and thankful heart is a happy one.

This is why writing this sci-fi book was something I felt I had to do. It was brewing inside me for quite some time and the more I read about historical perspectives from Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson, the more I wanted to present a different view on history. There is more to the history of mankind than people think there is. These books are my way of trying to test that idea and present to my readers an exciting story at the same time. I invite you to come along for the ride of Science Fiction & Fantasy and discover where this journey through 14,000 years of history will lead us.